I wasn’t bothered by the “Where’s my file?” problem others have mentioned. I did have to search for it in the Finder, but there it was inside the Music folder in my Home folder, which is fairly logical. You can change where files are saved in the programs Preferences, but that’s the only Preference you can configure. That’s unfortunate, since the interface needs work; it’s simple, that’s good, but maybe too simple. You set the quality (bitrate) for the file or files you are converting, but any changes you make won’t be remembered the next time you launch the program. So if you’d typically rather use a quality setting other than “Highest” to get smaller files, you’ve got an extra step each time. If you want to convert several files or maybe a large batch at the same time, but use a different setting for one or more of them, that’s also not possible. You’re also stuck with saving all the files you’re converting to the same folder, though you might rather save them to different folders, or to the folder where the original file resides. I’m also annoyed that program won’t tell me what bitrate it’s using for various settings (Highest, High, Middle) and let me select the bitrate; other mp3 programs in the App Store that cost about the same provide more options and more information. To sum it up, I wish the program was either more capable and configurable, or even quicker and easier to use. To be fair, I’m sure some will like, even prefer the simplicity of this program to other options, and won’t be bothered by the limitations I’ve mentioned.
Shoop Thoreau about MP3-Converter